Another International Women's day arrives ! A beautiful day to celebrate- a glorious Sunday, full of sunshine , thanks to the benevolence of the Sun..
A thought comes to mind- what would this world be, without the benevolence of the Sun that brings so much to this world, the giver of life?
And what would this world be, without the benevolence of women, the kind mothers who sacrifice everything to bring life to this world? Sleepless nights and days spent for a young one, giving up every minute of themselves to sustain another life..
Another thought comes to mind- why should society not shine a huge light on this benevolence, on the ultimate sacrifices made by countless women? Is it important only to recognise professional success , and not at home?
It may be that we have been wired to look at success from just one lens: the lens of money .Wealth being the common denominator in today's world, success is mostly measured by weath, glory and fame naturally follow. Understandeably, raising a kid is not a wealth generating occupation, but nonethelsess is a hugely important one. Just as the many things that women do behind the scenes, which are never glorified or even recognised, sometimes !
Yes, we have come far from the times when women did not have voting rights. But, thoughts go out to the single mothers who are left fending for themselves, without lack of basic income support in many countries, even in the 21st century. To the young girls who are denied the right to education in many places, even today. To the women who struggle with fear of abuse , whether at home or outside. To the women who are married off as children, for the family living in poverty cannot afford to feed another mouth. To the countless dreams crushed.. even as we glorify the millions of women out there who have acheived great professional success.
And hence the question on this international women's day - the 8th of March 2025, can society and politics step beyond just a silent salute to this day? For what matters to the countless women out there, is genuine efforts to give all of them basic rights, such as education, basic income, healthcare, protection from violence and everything else that should come with a true celebration of women?
Till we get there , a salute and a tribute to all women,especially who toil silently, behind the scenes and make this world what it is !
Regards ,
Aina Rao
The amblingindian.
Quirky reads on - on innovation, humor, life and more by the amblingindian, a new common woman of India..
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