Its time again for the AAP. Aap ki Sarkaar^.The Aam aadmi party has made a resounding comeback, garnering 67 seats in the Delhi elections, a whopping majority. Every other party relegated to the dust. Is this the dawn of a new era in Indian politics, with the voters finally being able to choose? For many decades of single party rule, accompanied by lack of any meaningful alternatives, had more or less brought in despondency to the Indian voter. For what matters more in a democracy than the ability to choose.But, no more. Here appears a strong-willed, clean alternate to the mainstream parties, riding high on popular choice.
The amblingindian is once again over the moon with joy. An idea, of the common man- the amblingindian, who couldn't do much but write, has now metamorphosed into one that can vote. And choose from viable alternatives. A lot hinges now on Mr Kejriwal and his army of supporters. For sure, they started on the right wicket the last time, by bringing in good governance, albeit breifly, but then lost the plot somewhere by resigning after 49 days in power.
Lets hope that time has brought experience and maturity. This time, the world is watching with bated breath,as is the amblingindian. Will they ? Wont they? Will they last the five years and bring the much needed alternative to Indian politics, to life this time around?
Also read .. The aam aadmi arrives, published in 2013( the last time around, when the amblingindian was at 10,000 views). (The amblingindian close on the heels of the aam aadmi, is today at 20,000 views+ and growing...)